Poor warmups. (sigh). 

All it wants is to set you up for success and here it is, toiling around in the sewers of the earth, destined to arise like those freaky clone-thingies from Us, waiting to sabotage and destroy our entire lives, err, workouts. From three-minute warmups to a random assortment of “dynamic” exercises masquerading as a proper warmup, most people’s idea of a warmup involves a light jog, some arm and leg swings, and 4 1/2 light reps on whatever primary lift they’re working that day.


The purpose of the warmup is to prepare the body for work. One of the primary issues with that is people are a mess. The older the the person, the worse it usually is. When people walk through the door, they’re generally really far from being ready to work. This makes achieving structural balance through corrective measures critical to setting the athlete up for success. This article is designed to provide a basic template to achieve that. 

Generally, here are the 4 components I highlight in a warmup:

  1. Release/stretching

  2. Activation

  3. Mobility/dynamic warmup 

  4. Specific/dynamic prep

Sidebar: I did not include the traditional cardio component often associated with warmup, aimed at elevating heart rate, increasing blood flow, elevating core body temperature. This was intentional and purposeful. Knowing that most (all) people struggle with imbalances, it is counterintuitive to jump into a complex movement like rowing or running. Balance the levers first and we can achieve the same effect cardio has in the aggregate of the warmup. Or go for the lap after!

Release and Stretching

Composed of: self-myofascial release (SMR), static stretching (SS), PNF stretching (PNF)

Purpose: to increase joint range of motion (ROM) 

Common areas to release: Upper traps, pec minor, lats, subscapularis, TFL, iliopsoas, piriformis, rectus femoris (quads), adductors (groin), lateral hamstring, lateral gastrocnemius, medial soleus, levator scapulae, SCM, scalenes

Imbalances happen as a result of the nervous system developing compensations due to poor posture, repetitive movements, and/or dysfunctional movements. This leads to tissue becoming neurologically overactive (“tight”) or underactive (“loose”). 

Translation - the pulleys (muscles) around a joint are working too hard or not enough. This leaves the joint at risk of developing overuse injuries since the pulley system is operating inefficiently.

It has consistently been shown that SS+SMR increase joint ROM. Skarabot, Beardsley and Stirn (2015) demonstrates that both SS and SMR increase ROM, but that SS+SMR seems to have an additive effect compared to SMR alone (all in less than 10 minutes). Fairall, Cabell, Berger’s, and Battaglia (2017) found that SMR+SS may result in greater increases in glenohumeral (shoulder) internal rotation ROM than SS alone. Mohr, Long and Goad (2014) discovered a similar result in increased hip ROM using both methods versus either one individually. (This is cherry-picked a bit, but there’s not much opposing this research either). 

From a performance perspective it’s important to note that certain factors can decrease performance. For example, most research shows the longer the stretch, the more negative impact it has output. It has also been shown that limiting stretch duration to 15-30 seconds nullifies this decline. Progressing through a dynamic warmup after static stretching has also been shown to neutralize this effect as well. This allows professionals and their athletes to address corrective concerns without downgrading performance. Win-win for all. Hazzah!

***Cool fact***There has also been findings that have shown that stretching and rolling one leg can increase ROM on the opposite leg. This suggests a neurological component is involved in the process. 

Future link for upper body release article 


Composed of: local activation

Purpose: to turn on underactive tissue, balace the joint in collaboration w/release work 

Common areas to activate: Serratus anterior, mid traps, lower traps, glutes, anterior tibialis, shoulder external rotators (infraspinatus)

To complete the structural balance equation, local activation of underactive, or “weak” tissue is used. There is a ton to explore here but for simplicity’s sake, this focus will be on scapular dyskinesis. 

Look at the Weak column in the below table (from NASM’s CPT book). These are commonly underactive muscles that need to be turned “on” in order to balance our pulley systems. An example of this critical to overhead athletes are the serratus and lower traps. They allow the scapula to rotate up efficiently. If they’re underactive, the scapula begins to migrate upwards, encroaching on the tissue that runs between the glenohumeral joint (shoulder joint) and the acromion (just off the edge of the clavicle). For a visual of this, check out Image 1 below the table. Sidebar: look at all the shit that can go wrong in Table 1. No wonder we’re all a mess!

Table 1

Screen Shot 2020-05-23 at 8.38.50 PM.png

If the scapula migrates up, it pinches the supraspinatus (part of the rotator cuff)  and/or the long head of the bicep leads to impingement syndrome and pain in the overhead lifts specifically.

In this example, activating the serratus and lower trap consistently over time keeps the joint balanced, leading to less wear-and-tear and increases the odds of lifting pain free. 

Future link for an article about hip dysfunction and lower back pain.   

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Composed of: local to global movement integration

Purpose: To integrate structurally balanced joints into movement patterns and prepare the body via dynamic movements through various ROM. 

This is where things start to get more dynamic. The video below is a basic abbreviated mobility routine that could also be used and expanded upon in a dynamic warmup. The progression starts with local application of the scapulas into a controlled movement and then transitioning into more integrative and global movements. 

Sport Specific Warmup 

Finally, we get to the specific warmup. Here’s some simple examples for a clean and jerk and snatch:

5 reps of each 5 reps of each

From hang: From hang:

RDL Snatch-grip RDL

Muscle power clean Snatch high pull

Power clean Muscle snatch

Front squat Power snatch

(Can repeat from mid-shin) OHS

Overhead press Snatch balance 

Push Press

Power jerk 

Split jerk 

There are thousands of ways to go about this, but the formula is simple. Release + Activate + Integrate/Mobility + Specific dynamic = Warmup. Remember, this is a general guide that is hardly comprehensive. While we tend to fall into similar patterns, each individual has a unique body with a unique set of issues to be explored. Finding a qualified professional to assess and analyze specific movement can go a long way towards ensuring long-term movement health. 

Stay tuned for future additions to this piece and as always, comments, questions, and additions are welcome!


Skarabot, J., Beardsley, C., & Stirn, I. (2015). Comparing the effects of self-myofascial release with static stretching on ankle range-of-motion in adolescent athletes. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 10(2): 203-212.

Fairall, R.R., Cabell, L., Boergers, R.J., Battaglia, Fortunato. (2017). Acute effects of self-myofascial release and stretching in overhead athletes with GIRD. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 21(3). 648-652. doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2017.04.001.

Mohr R., Long C., & Goad L. (2014). Effect of foam rolling and static stretching on passive hip-flexion range of motion. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. Nov;23(4):296-9. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2013-0025.

